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Deniz Bensason




The Faces of Guatemala

Deniz Bensason, Photographer - Guatemala

Deniz Bensason, Photographer

The name Guatemala means ‘Land of the Trees’ in Maya-Toltec language. A fun fact, some people believe that the name Guatemala is derived from the word Guhatezmalh, which means “Mountain that vomits water”.

I spent more time in Guatemala than I’ve spent in any other country in Central America — almost six weeks. I dove in a high altitude lake, roasted marshmallows over a volcano, climbed a Mayan ruin and sunned on a black sand beach. I bonded with a blogging friend in Antigua, and I met a guy that I had a brief but heartwarmingly sweet travel romance with (but more on him later).

I stayed in great hostels, found truly fantastic restaurants — some that I’m still drooling about — and had some true adventures.

People I love love Guatemala. People I met on the road loved Guatemala. Everyone loves Guatemala.

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